About pinkcruise

pinkcruise homepage logoThe 4th of February every year is universally recognized by stakeholders, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Agency for Research on Cancers (IARC) and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) as World Cancer Day.

The aim of World Cancer Day is to raise awareness about the disease, thereby pressing governments, groups and individuals across the world to take action that will help reduce it’s spread.

On World Cancer Day being Sunday, 4th of February, 2018, the BIG WAR Against Cancer in Nigeria will take a new dimension with the kick-off of systematic community-based free mass health outreaches.

We will be using the pilot set of Mobile Cancer Centres (aka PinkCruise). The BIG WAR is powered by the National Cancer Prevention Programme (NCPP), a non-governmental initiative of mass medical mission.

The community-based mobile health mission is known as Mission PinkCruise, while the eye-care aspect is known as Mission PinkVISSION.

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